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Delivering Difficult Conversations in the Workplace
By Dr. Robyn Short, CEO of Workplace Peace Institute Asking for a pay increase. Providing critical feedback on performance. Addressing inappropriate behavior. Apologizing. These are examples of hard-to-have, but necessary, workplace conversations. Difficult conversations must be had in order to create and sustain a healthy, peaceful, and well-functioning workplace system. Too often, difficult conversations are avoided or poorly delivered due to a lack of skill, and, therefore, confidence to hand
Keeping the Peace: Cleaning Up Workplace Bullying
By Dr. Robyn Short, CEO of Workplace Peace Institute At one time or another, many of us have been affected by workplace bullies — either directly or indirectly. Two surveys, one by Workplace Bullying Institute (WBI) and the other by Zogby International, define bullying as, “repeated mistreatment: sabotage by others that prevent work from getting done, verbal abuse, threatening conduct, intimidation and humiliation.” The WBI study found that as much as 35 percent of workers have experienced bully
Managing Workplace Change Through Facilitated Dialogue
By Dr. Robyn Short, CEO of Workplace Peace Institute Organizations going through significant change inevitably run into conflict. It is not a matter of if, but when. Whether the change is driven by new product or service offerings or growth through mergers and acquisitions, change rattles people. And that rattling echoes throughout the organization.Core to the human experience is the need for safety and security, and change often cultivates an environment in which people do not feel safe. This p
The Most Overlooked Criteria of Sustainable Peace
By Dr. Robyn Short, CEO of Workplace Peace Institute Mediators and peacemakers work with individuals and groups experiencing conflict. The role of a mediator is to be an impartial, third-party facilitator who helps individuals and / or groups achieve resolution to a conflict. A “conflict sherpa,” the mediator is trained to move parties through a resolution process while ensuring the parties maintain complete control over the outcome. The process for arriving at resolution belongs to the mediator
31 Signs of Workplace Bullying & What You Can Do About It
By Dr. Robyn Short, CEO of Workplace Peace Institute At one time or another, many of us have been affected by workplace bullies — either directly or indirectly. Two surveys, one by Workplace Bullying Institute (WBI) and the other by Zogby International, define bullying as, “repeated mistreatment: sabotage by others that prevent work from getting done, verbal abuse, threatening conduct, intimidation and humiliation.” The WBI study found that as much as 35 percent of workers have experienced bully
A Systems Approach to Building Peace in the Workplace
By Dr. Robyn Short, CEO of Workplace Peace Institute Peace in the workplace exists when individuals experience security, dignity, and a working environment that is free of fear. This criteria for peace is the same criteria necessary for fostering a working environment in which employees are highly engaged and able to experience their personal and professional potential. Creativity, collaboration, and high-level problem-solving are optimized when people feel valued, respected, and safe. Workplac
De-escalate Conflict in the Workplace With Mediation
By Dr. Robyn Short, CEO of Workplace Peace Institute When most people think about mediation, they think “laws suits and litigation.” And while mediation is an excellent alternative to resolving disputes that have escalated to this level, it is also a very effective approach for de-escalating conflict and preventing a dispute from reaching the legal system. In order to maintain a productive and engaging workplace, managers should seek to resolve disputes immediately when they surface. Maintaining
Enhance Workplace Collaboration Through Dialogue
By Dr. Robyn Short, CEO of Workplace Peace Institute Workplace collaboration is a popular buzzword these days. And, of course, collaboration is critical to innovation, problem-solving, creativity, dispute resolution, and a myriad intellectual pursuits necessary to the workplace. That said … have you ever stopped to think about how so many attempts to increase collaboration actually have the opposite effect? Take the open office workspace. The open office design was promoted as the most innovativ
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