Peace @ WorkPlace

    From Work Place Crisis to Lifetime Success...

A non-profit organization focusing on creating a positive impact on the mental well being 

Do you need HELP REsolve CRISIS AT WORK?

You came to the right place. Peace@work guides you step by step approach of how to resolve a work place crisis situation to a sucess journey at work. 

Experienced Coaches 

This is a non-profit free coaching in the best interest and well being of the employees. You can reach out to any of our best and experienced coaches by a click

Strategic Approach

At Peace@WorkPlace our coaches will work with you one-on-one listening to the crisis issues at work. They will provide a step-by-step approach on how to approach your problem. You can setup an appointment with any of the available coaches using calendly. All our coaches have been through in-depth training on how to guide you and help you in your situation. 

To cultivate peace at the workplace, we implement the following strategies: